Alison Knowles: Make a Salad 1962/2012. A High Line Performance.
- Arnold Schönberg: Begleitungsmusik zu einer Lichtspielscene (Drohende Gefahr, Angst, Katastrophe) op. 34 (1929–1930) - 8'
- Kammersymphonie für großes Orchester op. 9b (1906/1936) - 22'
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- Alison Knowles: Proposition #2: Make a Salad (1962)
- MUK.sinfonieorchester
- Studierende der Bruckner Universität
- Enrique Mendoza: Live-Elektronik
- Tatiana Panyaeva: Live-Elektronik
- Sandra Muciño: Live-Elektronik
- Santiago Ruedas: Live-Elektronik
- Dominik Leitner: Live-Elektronik
- Andreas Stoehr: Leitung Schönberg
- Hannes Schöggl: Einstudierung Knowles
- Verena Koch: Einstudierung Knowles
‘I thought that I had now found my own personal compositional style and expected all problems [...] to be solved,’ wrote Schönberg about his Kammersymphonie op. 9 from 1906. The wild uproar of the Viennese concert audience over 100 years ago is difficult to imagine from today's perspective: in 1913, “the friends of music could not contain themselves over this downright serious piece of music [...]” and caused the most famous scandal in music history. At the celebratory concert in the Town Hall, young musicians from MUK and Bruckner University will perform the large orchestral version of this work, together with Begleitungsmusik zu einer Lichtspielscene, completed in 1930. It wouldn't be Wien Modern if the programme didn't include at least one more recent work, which has of course long since become a classic in its own right: Alison Knowles, a collaborator of Schönberg’s student John Cage and a Fluxus pioneer, limited the score of her sensational Proposition from 1962 to these three words: ‘Make a Salad.’
Produktion Wien Modern
Koproduktion Bruckner Universität, Gerald Hanisch und MUK Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kultur im Rahmen von Schönberg 150 sowie
mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Bürgermeisters und Landeshauptmanns der Stadt Wien Dr. Michael Ludwig