Station theatre, In Movement
Manos Tsangaris: Blicke. Stationentheater – Individueller Parcours mit sechs Spielorten und einer Bar
(2023–2024) - 70'
Kompositionauftrag von Wien Modern im Rahmen von Schönberg 150
- Friederike Kühl: Sopran
- Annette Schönmüller: Mezzosopran
- Valentin Postlmayer: Schauspiel
- May Garzon: Schauspiel
- Rupert Lehofer: Schauspiel
- Hyun-Jung Berger: Violoncello
- Manos Tsangaris: Inszenierung
- Georg Klüver-Pfandtner: Kostüme
- Bernhard Günther: Dramaturgie
- Eva Maria Müller: Koordination littlebit GbR
- Ulli Napp: Technische Leitung
- Oliver Fenk: Produktionstechnik littlebit GbR
- Markus Oppenländer: Produktionstechnik littlebit GbR
- Ruben Tsangaris: Produktionstechnik littlebit GbR
- Martin Laumann: Ton- und Lichttechnik
- Florian Dobek: Lichttechnik
- Studio Dan
Blicke is a "station theatre for voices, performers, ensemble, light and a freely wandering audience", to be experienced as an "individual parcours with six venues and a bar". Blicke focuses on the couple of Arnold and Mathilde in and after the private catastrophe that unfolds spatially in Schönes Wetter in Gmunden. And Blicke also plays with Arnold Schönberg's lifelong fascination with eyes and gazes, which is evident, for example, in his numerous self-portraits. The audience can cast a lot of glances, both up close and into the distance, across the room and across the street, and discover new details from all directions.
There may be waiting times at individual stations stations due to the format. We recommend that you allow 60-90 minutes for the visit. The event is organised due to multiple changes between different floors unfortunately not barrier-free accessible.
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Produktion Wien Modern
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kultur im Rahmen von Schönberg 150 sowie Gabriela und Burkhard Gantenbein
Koproduktion Secession
Kooperation Arnold Schönberg Center