Improvised Music
- Cordula Bösze / Martin Gut / Gobi Drab / Klaus Haidl: Improvisationen
- Cordula Bösze: Flöten
- Martin Gut: Elektro-Scheit, Trumscheit
- Gobi Drab: Blockflöten
- Klaus Haidl: Saiteninstrumente
With the KNUSP format, we – Gobi Drab and Klaus Haidl, the curatorial team of New Music in St. Ruprecht – invite esteemed musicians of real-time-music to exchange musical ideas with us, once a season. The aim of this gathering is to cultivate and nurture various forms of synergy: social networking, a helping hand and recognition among colleagues and fellow musicians. (Gobi Drab, Klaus Haidl)
The Ruprechtskirche has little heating, warm clothing is recommended.
Kuratiert von Klaus Haidl und Gobi Drab
Produktion Neue Musik in St. Ruprecht
Kooperation Wien Modern