We Are All Mothers WAAM
Matthias Kranebitter,
Anne Juren: WAAM – We are all mothers
(2024 UA) - 70'
- Samuel Feldhandler: Performance, Behandlung
- Anne Juren: Performance, Behandlung
- Linda Samaraweerova: Performance, Behandlung
- Alex Franz Zehetbauer: Performance, Behandlung
- Black Page Orchestra
- Teresa Doblinger: Klarinette
- Georgias Lolas: Akkordeon
- Bojana Popovicki: Akkordeon
- Juan Pablo Trad Hasbun: Kontrabass
- Anne Juren: Künstlerische Leitung, Choreografie
- Roland Rauschmeier: Bühnenbild
- Maldoror a.k.a. Grzegorz Matlag: Kostüme
- Paul Kotal: Sounddesign
- Annegret Schalke: Lichtdesign, Entwicklung Lichtdesign
- Bruno Pocheron: Entwicklung Lichtdesign
- Magdalena Stolhofer: Produktionsleitung
We are all mothers (WAAM) is a musical-choreographic composition. As "healing" for a collective symptom, the piece navigates between health and art, expanding choreography to heal various ailments of the body. It is less about pathology and more about illuminating the urgency of examining symptomatic affects of the world we live in. The symptoms that come from within the participating performers transform into collective symptoms – and are treated by everyone in community. Each performer in We are all mothers acts both as a dancer and as a body practitioner.
Who is under treatment here: the audience, the performers, the theatre space? We Are All Mothers WAAM is a journey to collective healing that draws on the fact that all our bodies and experiences are connected. Together, the performers create a space in which the individual and the collective melt into one. Bringing their individual symptoms to the stage, they transform them into joint experiences, challenging the separation between health and art and creating co-existence, co-regulation, understanding and a sense of support. The audience witnesses and becomes part of this transformation process through dance and music that dissolves the lines between performer and spectator, healer and patient.
Treatment in We Are All Mothers WAAM is turned into a both choreographic and musical composition, metaphorically, but also literally. Choreography plays a crucial part in this healing process. Including theatre machinery in the performance creates a holistic environment in which every single element contributes to the overall experience. This concept emphasises collective care while challenging the typical idea of medical treatment as an individual process and presenting it instead as a communal, collective endeavour. Everybody’s experiences and contributions come together in a joint composition. By acknowledging and accepting differences, the performers create an environment that is reflected in a choreography in which the movements of individuals together make up the collective narration. We Are All Mothers WAAM is a tribute to Anne Juren’s mother, who passed away in the summer of 2022.
This performance uses flickering light and high sound frequencies.
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Produktion Wiener Tanz und Kunstbewegung
Koproduktion brut Wien, Wien Modern und ImPulsTanz – Vienna
International Dance Festival
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kultur, BMKÖS und SKE