Rebecca Saunders
- Rebecca Saunders: Yes. Eine Raumperformance für Sopran, 19 Solist:innen und Dirigent mit Texten aus dem Schlusskapitel des Ulysses von James Joyce (2017 EA) - 75'
- Ensemble Musikfabrik
- Juliet Fraser: Sopran
- Rebecca Saunders: Konzept, Mise en espace
- Martin Laumann: Tontechnik
- Paul Jeukendrup: Klangregie
- Enno Poppe: Dirigent

Rebecca Saunders
Yes refers to the soliloquy of Molly Bloom, the last chapter in James Joyce's Ulysses. [...] The repetitive "Yes" is ambiguous and complex, it casts many shadows and refers to different themes: to the moment of orgasm while half asleep; to the life-affirming "Yes"; to the "Yes" that seals the acceptance of fate; to Molly Bloom's memory of countless sexual encounters. [...] Through the movement of sound, the space itself becomes a resonating body. Yes sketches a music that steps out of the flow of time, projected into space like a sound sculpture – that in the moment of listening, strives for an absolute focus on the physical presence of sound. (Rebecca Saunders)
Kuratiert von Peter Zumthor, Stephan Pauly und Bernhard Günther
Produktion Wien Modern
Koproduktion Musikverein Wien
Im Rahmen der Musikverein Perspektiven: Peter Zumthor