Milica Djordjevic
- Rainer Elstner moderiert den Abend live von der Bühne im Gespräch mit Bernhard Günther (Künstlerischer Leiter Wien Modern), Kulturstadträtin Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Angelika Möser (Künstlerische Leitung RSO Wien) und Christian Scheib (ORF).
Angélica Castelló: Star Washers
(2020–2021 EA) - 12'
Kompositionsauftrag Baltimore Symphony Orchestra -
Milica Djordjević: O drveću, nežnosti, Mesecu ...
(2020–2022 EA) - 12'
Kompositionsauftrag WDR und Wien Modern -
Matthias Kranebitter: 60 Auditory Scenes for Investigating Cocktail Party Deafness
(2021 EA) - 15'
Kompositionsauftrag Wien Modern und Warschauer Herbst -
Sara Glojnarić: sugarcoating #4
(2022 UA) - 8'
Kompositionsauftrag Wien Modern und RSO Wien - Mirela Ivičević: Black Moon Lilith (2019–2021) - 13'
- ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien
- Marin Alsop: Dirigentin
- Rainer Elstner: Moderation
- Bernhard Günther: Gespräch
- Veronica Kaup-Hasler: Gespräch
- Angelika Möser: Gespräch
- Christian Scheib: Gespräch
This evening is clearly about the new, the young and the experimental, and that is exactly what a thank you to Lothar Knessl needs: The co-founder of Wien Modern, who died on 6 August 2022 at the age of 95, decisively rejuvenated musical life in Austria with passion and commitment. Angélica Castelló directs our gaze towards the sky and the universe. Milica Djordjević invites us to slow down with her study of nocturnal sounds. Matthias Kranebitter explores the psychoacoustic cocktail party effect with the RSO Vienna in full swing. Sara Glojnarić, the youngest of the three Erste Bank Composition Prize winners to be heard here, increases the density with a "micromechanics of perfection", not least for chief conductor Marin Alsop. Mirela Ivičević draws the ancient demoness Lilith in a radiant feminist orchestral portrait, "unpredictable, untamable, wild, full of flaws, unadulterated".
Produktion Wien Modern in Koproduktion mit dem RSO Wien
Kooperation Wiener Konzerthaus