György Ligeti
LIGETI 100.1 | IGNM 100.1
Julia Purgina: Apoptosis
(2023 UA) - 10'
Kompositionsauftrag IGNM - Zsigmond Szathmáry: Rubik's Cube (2022 EA) - 7'
Bernhard Lang: Organ Loops Vol. 1
(2022 UA) - 25'
Kompositionsauftrag IGNM - —
- György Ligeti: Ricercare (1953) - 4'
- Étude Nr. 1 »Harmonies« (1967) - 7'
- Étude Nr. 2 »Coulée« (1969) - 4'
- Volumina (1961–1962) - 17'
- Zsigmond Szathmáry: Orgel
- Wolfgang Kogert: Orgel
The complete organ works of György Ligeti, a world premiere by Julia Purgina and another by Bernhard Lang – for this night of solo organ of the category "breathtaking" on the birthday of IGNM, Wolfgang Kogert gets reinforcement from the composer, organist and companion of Ligeti, Zsigmond Szathmáry.
The Jesuit Church has little heating, very warm clothing is recommended.
Produktion IGNM
Kooperation Jesuitenkirche und Wien Modern