Irvine Arditti
- Iannis Xenakis: Mikka (1971) - 4'
- Mikka-»S« (1976) - 5'
- Rebecca Saunders: Hauch (2018) - 8'
- Sarah Nemtsov: Kadosh (2021 EA) - 18'
- Salvatore Sciarrino: Sechs Capricci für Violine solo (1976) - 20'
- John Cage: Eight Whiskus (1984)
- Irvine Arditti: Violine
Irvine Arditti plays a solo recital for Peter Zumthor five days before his quartet recital. Primordial, strongly atmospheric, a bit rough, direct and noisy – this is how Peter Zumthor likes his violin soli. Alongside Rebecca Saunders, the architect Iannis Xenakis and the Sicilian mood magician Salvatore Sciarrino, the exceptional violinist, who turned 70 this year, interprets a favorite work by Sarah Nemtsov in the analog version. "Essential to [the Sei Capricci] is the radicalness aiming to abolish the melodic-chordal notion (which corresponds to the conceptual opposition of succession and simultaneity) in favor of a utopian expansion of the spirit." (Salvatore Sciarrino)
Kuratiert von Peter Zumthor, Stephan Pauly, Irvine Arditti und Bernhard Günther
Produktion Wien Modern
Koproduktion Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien
Im Rahmen der Musikverein Perspektiven: Peter Zumthor