Thomas Kessler
- Thomas Kessler: Oratorium für Vokalensemble und Ensemble (Libretto: Lukas Bärfuss) (2019–2020) - 60'
- Ensemble Nikel
- Yaron Deutsch: E-Gitarre
- Patrick Stadler: Saxophon
- Brian Archinal: Drums
- Antoine Françoise: Tasteninstrumente
- Klaus Lang: Orgel
- Cantando Admont: Vokalensemble
- Peyee Chen: Sopran
- Elīna Viļuma-Helling: Sopran
- Helēna Sorokina: Alt
- Bernd Lambauer: Tenor
- Matias Bocchio: Bariton, Live-Elektronik-Einstudierung
- Ulfried Staber: Bass
- Cordula Bürgi: Einstudierung Vokalensemble
- Jonathan Stockhammer: Musikalische Leitung
- Aaron Holloway-Nahum: Technische Leitung Nikel
- Maxime Le Saux: Tontechnik
- Daniel A. Meyer: Produktion
- Thomas Kessler: Klangregie
God forbid they actually come: all the invisible gods and spirits who are called by their names here, implored, conjured up: Manitu, Ra, Odin, Ishtar, Apollo, Adona. And at least another seventy deities who were (and are) invoked for help at some point in time and in the world. The Bernese poet Lukas Bärfuss has carved the despair and pleas of the people into verse. Succinct, edgy, razor-sharp. And the composer Thomas Kessler has given the words form and expression with hybrid sounds that live somewhere between the here and now and another world. [...] The audience sits right in the eye of the sounding storm – thoughtful, curious and in the end, enthusiastic. (Marianne Mühlemann in Der Bund on the premiere in September 2021)
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