Juliane Banse
- Beat Furrer: Streichquartett Nr. 1
- Rebecca Saunders: Unbreathed
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- Arnold Schönberg: Streichquartett Nr. 2 fis-moll op. 10 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und eine Sopranstimme
- Quatuor Diotima
- Yun-Peng Zhao: Violine
- Constance Ronzatti: Violine
- Franck Chevalier: Viola
- Pierre Morlet: Violoncello
- Juliane Banse: Sopran
I never had the intention or the ability – it didn't even occur to me – to make paintings that have a certain drama to them. The past century in Germany has been quite dramatic, in the visual arts. There have been paintings of battles, which took place at the time, but also mostly in Antiquity, and music was set up in a similar way – what can you say, Wagner. I wasn't so sure about all of this, and didn't like it. I wanted a simple tune, I just wanted to have Bach's vocabulary: few tones, simple tones – I'm saying: piano music. Of course, in new music, too, there are some very dramatic sounds, but the best for me are string quartets. (Georg Baselitz)
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Kuratiert von Stephan Pauly, Georg Baselitz und Bernhard Günther
Produktion Musikverein und Wien Modern
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Kuratiert von Stephan Pauly, Georg Baselitz und Bernhard Günther
Produktion Musikverein und Wien Modern